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Merita Bread, Merita Bread Baker, Merita Orlando, Merita Sign, Smell the Bread, Merita Florida, Removal of Merita Sign, Sign Merita, Morse Museum Merita, Merita Bread and Cake, Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita Merita

Red Chair Exhibit
November 22, 2013 - March 1 ,2014 (Orlando International Airport)
July 18, 2013 - August 24, 2013 (City Arts Factory)
COLLABORATIVE EXHIBITION: By invitation only, Central Florida photographers are asked to participate in "The Red Chair Affair". In the ninth year, the Orange County Arts and Cultural Affairs selects a theme to the annual photo event, Theme for 2013 was performing arts. Photographer, Sherri Bunye was selected and chose to photograph Sleuth's Mystery Theater. This image was exhibited with other photographs from the project. A companion photo-book with selected images from the Red Chair (including Sleuth's) is available to purchase.
Interstate 4: Exits Less Traveled (formally known as Floridascapes)
Crealde Showalter Hughes Community Gallery
April 5, 2013 - June 1, 2013
SOLO EXHIBITION -Sherri Bunye, Interstate 4: The Exits Less Travelled
Opening Reception April 5, 2013 (7:00-9:00p). An interstate highway is rarely thought of in artful visions, but this Crealdé School of Art Studio Artist has used I-4 in Central Florida as the jumping off point for a colorful series of documenting Central Florida. Every photograph in this continuing project is captured on or around the interstate. Bunye is attracted to dramatic skies and uses color to evoke a sense of mood in her photographs. Parking lots and buildings that seem dingy to speeding commuters become impressionistic vistas through her lens.

SNAP! Motion to Light
April 13, 2013
PUBLIC WORKSHOP: SNAP! Orlando partner with photographer Sherri Bunye to offer a Light Painting Workshop at Credo Conduit in College Park. The international photography experience "SNAP!" has themed it's 2013 photo event Motion to Light. Sherri will give a demonstration on long exposure photography and how to use creative lighting on your subject and light as your subject. Free